Best Heel Cups for Plantar Fasciitis

The way to prevent Plantar Fasciitis is down to many things in your every day life. Good arch support in your shoes, a suitable diet, an adequate amount of rest and a balanced exercise routine are just some ways to prevent plantar fasciitis. Sometimes, it can be down to the amount of support you have in the feel of your shoes. Since this is a cost effective preventative measure, this can be a good place to start when preventing plantar fasciitis.

This is where heel cups come in and below we have listed the best heel cups for plantar fasciitis.

What do Heel Cups for Plantar Fasciitis do?

Heel cups are designed for different types of feet. Flat feet and high arches are common, so finding the right heel cup to match your feet isn’t going to be difficult.

Heel cups help by correcting your foot as you walk. If you supinate or pronate the heel cup will realign your foot and legs in the appropriate position.

After inserting the right type of heel cup into your shoes, the ligaments around your arch are less strained so it is easier for them to hold your arch in place. This keeps your arch from collapsing. When your arch does collapse, the plantar fascia is more likely to stretch, and in some cases, it can even tear. When you prevent tears from happening, the plantar fascia will have a better chance to heel.

One of the benefits of wearing heel cups (apart from the plantar fasciitis prevention) is the extra cushioning they provide. If you wake up in the morning and experience excruciating heel pain, heel cups will help relieve the pain as soon as you step into your shoes. The heel cups will also reduce your pain if you wear them on a regular basis.

And adding to that, they can be used with different types of footwear including slippers, shoes, boots and formal going out shoes.

What’s the Difference Between Heel Cups and Insoles?

Heel cups sit at the back of your shoe and provide support for just under half of your foot. Insoles run the entire length of your shoe to provide your entire foot with support. If you need cushion and support in just the heel area, heel cups are the best option. If you need more overall support, insoles are the better option.

A third option is 3/4 length insoles. These have a little more support than heel cups, but not as much as full insoles. Orthotics may be another option. These are also at full length, but are custom made.

Heel Cups for Plantar Fasciitis

4 of the best heel cups for plantar fasciitis:

1) HTP Heel Cups

htp heel cups

The HTP heel cups are a revolutionary piece of heel pad technology made right here in the USA. It uses a “fascia bar” which applies targeted acupressure to the point at which the plant fascia ligament and heel bone meet. During the course of wearing HTP Heel Cups, it will slowly re-align and stretch the plantar fascia into an optimal position. A huge benefit of the HTP Heel Cups is that they can be thrown in the washing machine and washed in a normal fashion.

How do they Help Plantar Fasciitis?

The fascia bar HTP have developed is unique to this brand of heel cup and is not used across your run of the mill pharmacy purchased heel cups or inserts. The dense material absorbs most of the shock to the feet of plantar fasciitis sufferers when either standing or walking. It provides a gentle massage through therapeutic acupressure directly to the heel bone which stimulates the bodies repair process encouraging recovery from plantar fasciitis.


2) Spenco Gel Heel Cups

spenco gel heel cups

The Spenco Gel Heel cups have a deep heel cup that will provide you with stability as you walk. Inside of the heel cup is a honeycomb design that absorbs impact. These can also be used for high impact activities, which is another benefit if you are active and like to play a variety of sports.

A great sporty choice for heel cups for plantar fasciitis.

How do they Help Plantar Fasciitis?

The deep heel cup will decrease inflammation where your heel and plantar fascia come together. This reduces the chances of micro tears so you will experience less heel pain as you walk. The honeycomb design will cushion your heel, which will further reduce the pain associated with Plantar Fasciitis because your heel with be thoroughly protected from harsh impact from walking on unnatural surfaces.


Deep heel cup, honeycomb cushioning, fit well in variety of shoes.


May move around during the day.


3) Dr Scholls Heel Cups

dr scholls heel cups

Dr Scholl’s Heel Cups provide all-day shock absorption, protection and heel relief and are built to be used in all shoe types. The “Massaging Gel” used act like tiny springs to help absorb shock throughout the day. The Gel Cradling design feature walls that protect the heel. They are very light-weight and Dr Scholl’s offer a guarantee that they will provide cushioning and shock absorption for a full six months which makes them one to try.

How do they Help Plantar Fasciitis?

Dr Scholl’s Heel Cups have  “Shock Guard Technology” which is built into the base of the pad that provides immediate relief to plantar fasciitis sufferers by providing stability needed to take strain away from the heel. The provide dual-action relief by adding cushioning to protect the foot from the shock of each step, and by supporting the arch of the foot to prevent the plantar fascia ligament from stretching further.


Lightweight, durable,  fit well in all shoe types.


May move around during the day.


4) Tuli’s Heel Cups

tulis heel cups

Tuli’s Heel Cups have a waffle design in the heel to absorb impact as you walk or run. The heel cup extends a further than other heel cups to offer extra arch support. Another nice feature of the heel cups are bacterial growth inhibitors to keep them fresh and your feet healthy.  They come with a lifetime warranty which makes the Tuli’s Heel Cups a good option.

How do they Help Plantar Fasciitis?
The design reduces tension on the plantar fascia, absorbs impact, and protects the area where the heel and plantar fascia meet. This assists the heal and may prevent micro tears from occurring. The extra extension will also helps Plantar Fasciitis as it provides more stability in your feet. As Tuli’s Heel Cups ensure the ligaments in the foot do not get strained and prevents the arch collapsing, the plantar fascia has less chance of stretching or tearing.


Heel cups are a simple way to relieve stress and inflammation on the plantar fascia. If you do not require full support along the length of your feet, heel cups will offer support around your heel. They’re a great, cheap, fully endorsed preventative piece of footwear that assist with the strain plantar fasciitis sufferers go through on a daily basis.

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