KT Tape for Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis is one of the most common causes of foot pain. It is a condition that is difficult to get rid of and lowers the life value of any individual. Apart from therapy and orthotics, KT tape for plantar fasciitis has also proven to be an effective method that provides relief to those who are suffering from the condition.

With its origins in old-fashioned taping for support, the tape helps in decreasing the amount of pressure on the plantar fascia and also provides the right foot support.

Kinesio tape for plantar fasciitis also promotes blood flow in the leg and reduces swelling. Taping is a good way to stabilize the fascia ligament and when the foot is properly taped, movement on the fascia ligament is limited. As such, tears will not develop in the tissue.

It is important to keep in mind that taping does not treat the condition long term, it is simply a short term measure to prevent pain.

KT Tape for Plantar Fasciitis & How it Works

Kinesiology taping for plantar fasciitis is a rehabilitative technique that is designed to facilitate the body’s natural healing process. Applying KT tape on the achilles does not restrict the body’s range of motion but rather extends soft tissue manipulation which offers rehabilitation for plantar fasciitis and assists in returning the body to homeostasis.

The tape lifts the skin thus increasing interstitial space which consequently allows for a decrease in inflammation. Depending on the severity of inflammation in the plantar fascia, different kinesiology tape can be used.

Taping the plantar fascia is more effective when combined with other treatment methods. For instance, when taping is used alongside shoe inserts, the combination of support from the tape and the acupressure of the heel insert re-positions the plantar fascia, allowing it to be held firmly in place and provide a lot of support.

Plantar Fascia Taping Guide

Kinesiology tape is considered one of the best rehabilitation methods for Plantar Fasciitis. KT Tape for plantar fasciitis reduce the impact of excessive stretching or stress caused on the plantar fascia ligament. This prevents the condition from worsening.

How to Tape the Plantar Fascia Using a Kinesiology Tape

  1. Place the kinesiology tape around the metatarsal region of the forefoot
  2. Wrap the area several times. Start wrapping near the big toe and place the tape around the heel
  3. Attach at the origin behind the big toe
  4. Rewrap this area several times to add significant support (the area should look like an ‘X’ along the mid-foot region.)
  5. Close up any gaps on the foot to reinforce the taped area.

KT Taping Tips

Before investing in the best KT Tape for Plantar Fasciitis, it is important to consult your doctor. This will help you in determining whether taping is the best rehabilitation approach for your Plantar Fasciitis.

  1. Ensure that your feet are clean and dry before taping
  2. Do not tape your foot too tightly as this will hinder blood circulation in your foot
  3. Always begin taping from your foot’s stable side
  4. Kinesiology taping should always be applied in the morning in order to give the foot the much-needed support during the day
  5. In case numbness or circulation issues are experienced, remove the tape immediately.

Removing Kinesiology Tape

  • Trim off all the lifted edges
  • Remove the tape when it is wet or moist (i.e. after a shower)
  • Remove the tape in the direction of hair growth
  • Remove the tape slowly as ripping it off quickly may irritate the skin

Benefits of Kinesiology Tape for Plantar Fasciitis Sufferers

Compared to a standard sports tape, kinesiology tape is thin and stretchable which is perfect for those who need heel support. KT tape restricts excessive motion and skin irritation. As the tape is thin, it provides dynamic support but still allows a functional and safe range of movement. KT tape can also be worn when bathing and exercises.

Quick pain relief
Taping the plantar fascia improves lymphatic flow and reduces swelling on the foot. In turn, this provides fast pain relief.

Enhances muscle strength
KT tape can make weak muscles strong and improve their daily function. As such, muscle activation is improved and exercises can be carried out more effectively.

Offers support without restricting range of motion
Kinesiology tape is naturally elastic and provides support to the plantar fascia without restricting the range of motion.

Increases circulation, decreases inflammation
Kinesio tape for plantar fasciitis promotes better circulation, which results in more nutrients and a healthy level of blood flow. It also reduces inflammation, which can help to speed up recovery.

Can be worn for long periods of time
Kinesiology tape can provide support continuously for several hours. Even when worn for longer periods of time, the tape does not cause any irritation.

Swelling reduction
Kinesiology tape provide a passive lift to the skin through its elastic properties. The tape has a vacuum effect that relieves pain on bruised or swollen tissues on the plantar fascia. This generally contributes to the speedier recovery of overused muscles.

Remember, kinesiology tape should not be used if:

  • You are suffering from any other foot injuries apart from Plantar Fasciitis.
  • You have any skin allergies. You suffer from diabetes or other circulation problems.
  • You are experiencing pain or stiffness in the foot.

Does Kinesiology Tape Really Work?

Kinesiology tape has had varied success on a number of plantar fasciitis sufferers. However, numerous studies have shown that the tape can reduce pain. It is an effective method of rehabilitation when used alongside other treatments and is an affordable option that gives many plantar fasciitis sufferers pain relief.

KT Tape for plantar fasciitis has been know to be highly effective in the treatment process as they decrease the amount of pull, pain, and discomfort on the fascia, while also providing support.