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Plantar Fasciitis Diet

A plantar fasciitis diet plays a big part in recovery and prevention. Stretching, rest, and proper footwear are not the only ways to help in plantar fasciitis recovery, so it may come as a surprise that what you eat is just as important.

Plantar Fasciitis Diet Findings

  • Eliminate processed food
  • Eat fresh food only
  • Eat nuts, berries, fruit and vegetables for snacks
  • Reduce red meat and increase seafood or fish in your diet (Or go Vegan!)
  • Eliminate deep fried foods
  • Avoid dairy and switch to soy
  • Sugar and plantar fasciitis do not mix

There are many food supplements which are effective in treating plantar fasciitis but there are also foods you should avoid. As a general rule, food that include anti inflammatory properties are encouraged.

Fruit and Vegetables

There are plenty of anti inflammatory veggies that assist in reducing inflammation. Target foods that are high in calcium, vitamin C, MSM and magnesium and add them to your diet. Spinach, green leafy vegetables, oranges, pumpkin seeds, blue berries will all help in aiding your recovery.

Each one of these contain elements that reduce inflammation or pain in the heel.


Fish, chicken and other seafood options contain protein which is considered to greatly reduce inflammation. You’ll find plenty of protein in all sorts of nuts also. Walnuts, Brazil nuts, pecans, almonds, legumes and seeds should be included in your diet to keep the swelling down.

Healthy oils and fats

These are anti inflammatory properties that can be found in many types of food. Avocado, olive oil, fish, and eggs are but a few that will provide you with the good oils and fats needed to reduce inflammation of the fascia.


A good old fashioned glass of water is always a good idea to include as part of your plantar fasciitis diet. Not only does it keep your body well hydrated, it is also low in Sodium which can be beneficial for healthy blood flow and preventing swelling. Herbal teas, and vegetable juices are also recommended.


Ginger is mainly known for its anti-inflammatory agent and is a great way to not only keep cold and flu and other ailments at bay, but also for heel pain and of course plantar fasciitis.


Believe it or not, Turmeric has amazing anti-inflammatory properties. You can buy this at any supermarket as a spice and add it to most meals. Give Turmeric a go!


A question that’s trending at the moment is ‘Does magnesium help with plantar fasciitis?’. And to in short, yes, it does. Magnesium, when ingested, helps your body absorb calcium which may stop the on-set of heal spurs (which can lead to plantar fasciitis). It can also act as an anti-inflammatory among other things.

Foods to avoid with plantar fasciitis

We have covered what foods to include in your plantar fasciitis diet, but there are also some foods that you need to eliminate. Thats right! you aren’t getting off that easy.

You will benefit greatly in all aspects of your health by removing some or all of the foods below and not only will it help in preventing and eradicating plantar fasciitis, this diet change will also make you feel great, have your skin looking better, lose weight and you may even have more energy.

Processed Meat

Processed meat can block the body with unwanted fats preventing your body from applying the anti-inflammatory process to the fascia. In fact, inflammation thrives on unhealthy fats which in turn, prevents your body from applying healthy resources to deal with the condition.

Reduce your intake of processed and red meats and focus on protein, fatty acids and other beneficial minerals.


I’m sure you’ve heard a lot about sugar lately and the same applies here. High sugar intake is a no no when dealing with heal pain. Systematic inflammation is a condition that can lead to plantar fasciitis. It is more common in people that have a high sugar intake and do little exercise.

We all love sugar, but with small steps, you can cut it out – sugar and plantar fasciitis do not mix. Try by having no sugar in your coffee/tea each day and build from there.

Junk Food

This one is a no brainer. Not only should you be cutting out junk food for other health reasons, it also speaks true when preventing plantar fasciitis. Junk food has high levels of sugars and fats which are both enemies of a healthy fascia.

These nasty elements feed ailments and disease and will NOT do anything to improve your state and should be avoided at all costs in your plantar fasciitis diet. You just have to think what’s more important in this situation and remember there are plenty of delicious substitutes to junk food.

At the end of the day, your health and no heal pain is what matters the most.


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but alcohol can cause problems with the liver (as we all know). This affects other parts of your body. Too much alcohol can give rise to inflammation, and therefore affect your recovery from plantar fasciitis. It’s ok to enjoy a drink every now and then, but if you are suffering from plantar fasciitis, it is not a good idea to include excessive booze as part of your plantar fasciitis diet.

There are many non-alcoholic alternatives now which allow you to enjoy the sensation of drinking. Try opting for a non-alcoholic beer during recovery.

Dairy Products

Countless health issues are associated with dairy products and is considered to be one of the most highly inflammatory foods in the modern diet. Most people have problems digesting breaking down lactose and other alternatives should be included in a healthy diet.

After all, cow’s milk is designed to assist in the growth and development of a small calf, not a human being. As with all aspects of health, a healthy diet is necessary. A proper plantar fasciitis diet is no different and can speed up your recovery time, prevent further injury, and above all, leave you feeling fit and healthy in your every day life.

Its important to note that fixing your diet may not work for everyone and each individual should keep up other treatments and exercises in order to manage and overcome plantar fasciitis.

Looking for a comfortable way to ease your foot pain? Have a look at some of the best foot massagers for plantar fasciitis.